add_action('get_header', function() { if (is_user_logged_in() ) { if ( is_page( 'about-us' ) ) { // also tested with 'Apple' $url = get_home_url(); wp_redirect($url); } } });Check If User not login than redirect on login page
where you want to check there add this short code [redirect_user] add_shortcode('redirect_user','check_logred'); function check_logred(){ ob_start(); if (!is_user_logged_in() ) { $url = get_home_url(); wp_redirect($url.'/login'); } ob_get_clean(); }Author base change custom code
add_action('init', 'cng_author_base'); function cng_author_base() { global $wp_rewrite; $author_slug = 'profile'; // change slug name $wp_rewrite->author_base = $author_slug; }Change a spacific User slug by custom code
$user_nicename ='shyam-sir-4'; $user_data = wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $user_id, 'user_nicename' => $user_nicename ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $user_data ) ) { // // There was an error; possibly this user doesn't exist. echo 'Error.'; } else { // // Success! echo 'User profile updated.'; }Filter hook author slug .
add_filter( 'author_link', 'modify_author_link', 10, 1 ); function modify_author_link( $link ) { $link = ''; return $link; }
YouTube Tags Generator
YouTube Tags Generator Enter any keyword: Submit Your virual tags: Copy Text Welcome in SK NETKING, Here you can learn about WordPress tips and tutorials and JavaScript HTML5 CSS and many javascript mini projects. Visit now-> A YouTube tag generator is a tool that can help content creators improve the visibility and discoverability of their videos by suggesting relevant tags to be included in the video's metadata. These tags are used by the YouTube algorithm to determine where a video should appear in its search results and suggested videos section, making it crucial for reaching a larger audience. Adding the right tags can increase views, subscribers, and engagement on a channel. Utilizing a YouTube tag generator can take the guesswork out of including effective tags, saving time and improving the chances of a vide...