How to Move Elements in the DOM with jQuery

How to Move Elements in the DOM with jQuery

In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a custom jQuery method to move elements in the DOM. This method allows you to specify a target element, a destination element, and whether the target should be placed before or after the destination.

The Custom jQuery Method

Below is the custom jQuery method called moveElement. It takes three arguments:

  • target_element: The element you want to move (can be a class or ID).
  • move_to: The element where you want to move the target element (can be a class or ID).
  • position: Specifies whether the target element should be placed before or after the destination element. Defaults to after if not specified.

(function($) {
    $.fn.moveElement = function(target_element, move_to, position = 'after') {
        // Ensure the position is either 'before' or 'after'
        position = (position === 'before' || position === 'after') ? position : 'after';

        // Get the target element (can be a class or ID)
        var $targetElement = $(target_element);

        // Get the element to move to (can be a class or ID)
        var $moveToElement = $(move_to);

        // Check if both elements exist
        if ($targetElement.length && $moveToElement.length) {
            // Detach the target element from the DOM
            var $detachedElement = $targetElement.detach();

            // Move the detached element to the specified position
            if (position === 'before') {
            } else {
        } else {
            console.error("One or both elements do not exist.");

        // Return the jQuery object for chaining
        return this;

How to Use the Method

To use the moveElement method, follow these steps:

  1. Include jQuery in your project.
  2. Add the custom method to your script.
  3. Call the method with the appropriate arguments.


Here’s an example of how to use the moveElement method:

Element 1
Element 2


In the example above:

  • We have two containers with IDs container1 and container2.
  • Inside these containers, there are two elements: #element1 and #element2.
  • When the button is clicked, the moveElement method is called to move #element1 before #element2.

Default Behavior

If you don’t specify the position argument, the method defaults to placing the target element after the destination element. For example:

$.fn.moveElement('#element1', '#element2','after');

This will move #element1 after #element2.


The moveElement method is a simple and reusable way to move elements in the DOM using jQuery. It’s flexible, easy to use, and can handle both classes and IDs. Try it out in your next project!