WordPress Child Theme Generator

WordPress Child Theme Generator

Name of the parent theme

Enter the name of the parent theme, for example "Twentyfifteen" or "MH Magazine". We will try to find the correct parent theme slug for you.

Slug of the parent theme

This is simply the folder name of your parent theme. You can find it in your wordpress installation at /wp-content/themes/[theme], where [theme] is the folder name of your parent theme.

Wordpress Child Theme Creator

Wordpress is a very popular blogging platform and is widely used for all kinds of websites. With Wordpress, you get a huge number of free and paid designs, called themes.

Make it your own!

Once you have installed a Wordpress theme, it is time to make it your own. You might want to change a few colors and fonts, add functionality or even change the whole layout of the site.

Advantages of a child theme

It's a bad idea to start editing the original theme, as you will lose the changes you have made to the theme files once the theme gets (auto-) updated.

Create a Wordpress Child Theme now

With our Wordpress Child Theme Creator, you can easily create a very basic child theme. Using this starter pack - which should work out of the box for most users - you can easily enhance your parent theme.